Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Where, precisely, do you go in order to get permission to make a dent in the universe? Seth Godin blogs about this very thing today.  Seems to go right along with everything I've been studying on my Rebirth/Re-emergence from the ashes.

Since ending my relationship with an ex-offender, and believe me, they are a different breed, I've been on a seriously intense soul search into why I allowed such abuse to go on for four years. I loved this man, that is for certain, but there was so much more to it.

The soul search has taken me to relationship coaches on the internet.  I have found a couple who have given their services away for free...shared their knowledge and love with with willingly and freely.  I've needed that much more than they know.

Thru this discover process I've refined what I believe and what I don't, and more importantly, why I believe what I do.  I'm learning to better articulate this to myself and to others. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Jujumama, Concerto Vita (Leila Reyes), and others have shown me new ways of looking at the world.  I've also been learning how to actually implement the Law of Attraction. People may say it's new age or witchcraft or whatever they wish, but it's a fact..a LAW. 

The Christian Bible even speaks to it in talking about the power of words having life or death and how we are what we think about...as a man/woman thinks, so is he/she.  Rastafarian's talking about positivity (for instance) and so many of the worlds religions all saying exactly the same thing, there MUST be truth to it. So I am embracing it. My own mother taught me this without even knowing what she was teaching...Like Attracts Like!

What do I have to lose by following this path? Not my soul because it belongs to God anyway. And I have everything to gain! A longer, healthier, more loving life! Financial abundance so I have the resources I need to carry out the dreams of my heart, which I know were put there by God in the first place.  Why would he put such dreams in my head if they were never to come to fruition?

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